Professional Learning Plan for “Vital Strategies in Early Literacy”

My professional learning plan has evolved from my experiences in early childhood education. While taking this course, I was able to develop my goals and strategies in teaching early literacy. I began by examining the Five Key Principles of Effective Professional Learning by Gulamhussein. I created a presentation video using the application “Biteable” to create a video presentation of my ideas, titled (click title to view) “Professional Development.” It summarized what learners would achieve from my professional learning plan. Then, I prepared my Professional Learning Outline that was a projected form of what I hoped to achieve with my overall course of action.

Audience and their needs:

My professional learning plan was created to provide early literacy strategies to staff members who educate students within an educational institution. I will be the coach/instructor in the training sessions and will provide ongoing modeling and feedback for the learners. Learners will be become familiar with best practices in instructing early literacy to students.

Goals and Outcomes:

Learners will incorporate strategies within their current instructional curriculum by using various tools and resources. My “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” (BHAG) is to have 100% of faculty and staff members utilize these strategies to design and implement activities using the tools acquired from this training in their courses.


The PL sessions will be structured in a blended learning format that will begin in Spring of 2018, containing seven modules over a six-month period, January to June 2018. There will be one class per month offered in the conference area for 45-60 minutes. Days and times shall be determined by the administrative staff of the institution.

Ongoing Support:

Participants will have access to CourseSite LMS during PL sessions to generate questions or concerns and access assessment feedback from instructor. If there are immediate concerns emails will be answered within a 24 hour period.

Active Learning and Modeling:

The professional learning course includes modeling by the instructor in the existing learning environment after each module. Participants are encouraged to use their own ideas to implement strategies. The participants will be assigned a partner to collaborate with the duration of the course to share failures and successes.


Participants will document within the Schoology application their experiences.  Schoology is great for creating a digital notebook of the learners progress.  Assessments can be done there,too. Schoology is a LMS that is works well in a blended learning or flipped classroom setup. Collaboration is one of the areas it facilitates and can be used from the classroom to district wide. Content can be stored there that is multi media. It is accessible on any device and can be used by kindergarteners.  Another benefit of this tool is student engagement.

Instructional Design:

My final PL document can be viewed below.

Professional Learning Plan For Vital Strategies in Early Literacy

Course Resources

CourseSite enrollment page for my course

Instruction for signing up for Schoology


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